CGIA Awards

CGIA recognizes outstanding achievements in various aspects of geospatial technologies within California through its annual awards program, commemorating excellence in Geographic Information across the state. Awards are open to any person in the State of California, and Nominations must relate to people, projects, or organizations which are located in California.

Click here to submit a nomination

Award winners will be announced at a special event which will be announced soon.

Winners will receive a coveted CGIA Award trophy and will be featured on the CGIA webpage.

This year’s awards will be presented for the following categories:

  • Excellence & Innovation Award: Granted for the outstanding application of geospatial technology, representing innovative, elegant, or creative techniques for analysis, mapping, data management, or automation.
  • Coordination & Collaboration Award: Granted for the demonstration of collaborative development of geospatial data, approaches, or technologies within the state of California..
  • Student & Early Career Award: Granted to the student or early career professional (up to three years into their career) whose project, application, or tool demonstrates an exemplary use of geospatial technologies.

A comprehensive gallery of winners from previous events is shown below.

  • David Endelman
  • Tracey Hughes
  • Mark Greninger
  • Terrence Newsome

3 thoughts on “CGIA Awards”

  1. Pingback: Nominations for the 2020 CGIA Awards Extended

  2. Pingback: Nominations for the 2022 CGIA Awards are Now Open

  3. Pingback: Letter from the Chair |

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