Author Archive: janeschaferkramer

Geographic Data Specialist in the California Department of Water Resources since 2008. Presently serving as the Technical Lead for the California National Hydrography Stewardship Program. Board member of Northern California Chapter of URISA (Chapter President for 2016). GIS Certificate from American River College, 2009

CalGIS 2019: Deadline for Abstracts is January 9

California URISA Chapters and the California Geographic Information Association (CGIA) are pleased to invite presentation proposals for CalGIS 2019, the milestone 25th annual event which will take place April 8-10 at the DoubleTree Hilton in Fresno, California and will feature…
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Please Join our CA GIS Council meeting Thursday June 14th 10am-12noon

Updated to correct an incorrect location in the Agenda: Location in Sacramento: Director’s Office Conference Room, 24th floor, 801 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Reminder about next Thursday’s CA GIS Council meeting (10-12 am, 6/14/18).  I am very…
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Please Join our CA GIS Council meeting Thursday Dec 14th Reminder about tomorrow’s CA GIS Council meeting (10-12 am, 12/14/17).  I am very excited to announce next week’s informative CA GIS Council agenda.  The meeting will include a roundtable discussion of how GIS data was shared and used for analysis…
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