Please Join our CA GIS Council meeting Thursday June 14th 10am-12noon

Updated to correct an incorrect location in the Agenda:

Location in Sacramento: Director’s Office Conference Room, 24th floor, 801 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

Reminder about next Thursday’s CA GIS Council meeting (10-12 am, 6/14/18).  I am very excited to announce next week’s informative CA GIS Council agenda.  The meeting will include a presentation by Misty Nelson, Lead Scientist, California Natural Diversity Database, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife.  She will present about their BIOS and CNDDB programs and how it can be used by your agencies, including Public Safety Response .  Next, Stephen Lai, CALOES, GIS Coordinator, will present about new GIS resources available on their website; lessons learned from 2017 response and recovery regarding the usage and sharing of GIS data.   We will also have a number of GIS related initiatives to report to you.  Hope you can join us.  The agenda contains the location of the meeting, and webex information for those who would like to join virtually.

Phil Beilin, 2017/2018 CA GIS Council Chair.  Please note the call in information on the second


Agenda: CA GIS Council Public Agenda June 14 2018_final