Governor Appoints Chief Data Officer for California

Governor Gavin Newsom has announced the appointment of Joy Bonaguro as the Chief Data Officer. The following is from the Governor’s Office website

“Joy Bonaguro, 39, of Oakland, has been appointed chief data officer at the California Government Operations Agency. Bonaguro has been head of systems and data at Corelight Inc. since 2018. She was chief data officer for the City and County of San Francisco from 2014 to 2018, information technology manager for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory from 2011 to 2014 and information designer for the Greater New Orleans Community Data Center from 2002 to 2009. Bonaguro earned a Master of Public Policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley. This position does not require Senate confirmation and the compensation is $151,728. Bonaguro is a Democrat.”

Here is the link to Ms. Bonaguro’s profile on LinkedIn: