All in the California GIS community are welcome to attend the March 11, 2021, 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon quarterly meeting of the GIS Council. The agenda is available at this link . This web meeting will be held via Teams; get the connection information by filling out the form at this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=UlYdt4NLV0KvzX_Rd4hFZJpmRudJ9MZPk1RTdSvdgqNUQzQ5S05DOUdVWTZNT1c4OEdTRzNVWlJWQy4u You will receive the meeting link in the confirmation message; please copy and add it to your calendar.
The Council will vote to approve the charters for two new workgroups. The draft charters are available for your review:
Education Workgroup Charter
Policy Advisory Workgroup Charter
Please direct any questions about this meeting or the California GIS Council in general to ca.gis.council.chair@gmail.com.