Webinar: IoT Data Tracking for Safe Transport of Hazardous Waste

CGIA is pleased to co-host the following webinar, to be held Thursday, March 18, noon-1pm:

The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) is tasked with tracking and permitting the transportation of hazardous waste throughout the state of California but has historically struggled with a more real-time view into that data. Roger Cleaves, IT Specialist, will present DTSC’s proof-of concept system built on ArcGIS Velocity, Esri’s cloud based Internet of Things engine, which helps visualize and explore hazardous waste transportation, giving the Department a glimpse at what the future of real-time tracking can hold. DTSC will present their use case and outline what near and long-term goals can be accomplished using this platform. Please join us on Thursday, March 18, 12-1 p.m. This webinar is co-hosted by the California GIS Council, CGIA, and CalURISA.

Register here to get the webinar connection information.

Questions may be directed to ca.gis.council.chair@gmail.com

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