The current GIS Council Vice Chair Ashlee Llewellyn has informed us that she’s accepted a new job and will be moving out of California soon. She is serving out the remainder of this term as Vice Chair but will not move into the Chair position as originally planned on July 1. Therefore, the Council will be electing a Chair as well as a Vice Chair to serve July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. The Vice Chair would then serve as Chair for the July 2022 – June 2023 term.
The nomination period for the Council’s Chair and Vice Chair for 2021-2022 fiscal year is open now. Self-nominations are highly encouraged! Please consider nominating a colleague or stepping up yourself for this opportunity to help facilitate greater cooperation throughout the State of California by supporting the collection, acquisition, sharing, and dissemination of GIS data, standards, and policies.
Nominees must specify a constituency that they identify with. Please note that identification with a constituency does not imply any official representation; rather, an individual brings the perspective of one’s work within that constituency to the Council. The Council Charter identifies the following constituencies:
- State Government
- Federal Government
- County Government
- City Government
- Tribal Government
- Regional Government and Regional GIS Councils
- Special Districts
- Education
- Private Industry
- Professional Associations
- Nonprofits
- Public and Private Utilities
The positions’ responsibilities are specified in Section 4 of the Council Charter:
“The Chair will be responsible for scheduling Council meetings, presiding over the Council, and representing the Council in public meetings.”
“The Council will elect a Vice Chair from a different constituency than the Chair for a one-year term. The Vice Chair becomes the Chair the following year. The Vice Chair will be responsible for supporting the Chair in his or her responsibilities and fulfilling the Chair’s duties when the Chair is unavailable.”
The time commitment for the Chair position can average out to about 8 hours per month. Additional time may be needed for any Workgroups that the Chair may also be involved with. The most time is spent in the weeks leading up to the quarterly meetings. It’s usually a bit less for Vice Chair. Anyone considering taking on these roles is welcome to contact the current Chair Jane Schafer-Kramer and current Vice Chair Ashlee Llewellyn at ca.gis.council.chair@gmail.com or message us on LinkedIn to inquire further.
Nominations are being accepted now and will close at 11:59 p.m. on May 7, 2021. Please use the form linked below to enter your nomination. Those nominating themselves should be prepared to include a brief candidate statement. If you are nominating someone else, please inform them that you are doing so!
GIS Council Chair Nomination Form https://forms.gle/h2CgNkcvweb7j7P5A
GIS Council Vice Chair Nomination Form https://forms.gle/7hNv9NtcYg9NUdk37
Questions or concerns may be directed to ca.gis.council.chair@gmail.com