OPR Surveys–Immediate deadline

Apologies for the late notice on this. I will see if OPR can extend the survey.
Dear Colleagues,
The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR), and our partners within the planning community, are distributing a series of statewide surveys. These surveys provide local jurisdictions with the opportunity to inform our work so that we may better support communities across California.
We would greatly appreciate your participation in these efforts. Thank you in advance for your support and thank you to those who have already volunteered your time to complete these surveys.
Annual Planning SurveySince 1986, this survey has helped the OPR, our partners within the planning community, and the public at large identify areas of local leadership and develop tools and guidance for jurisdictions. Each year, our office sends local jurisdictions an email with a unique link to the survey. If you have not received this link, or you have questions about the survey please send us an email at opr.aps@opr.ca.gov. This survey is due by August 16th.
Specific Plan SurveyOPR is conducting a special survey and data-gathering endeavor to gain a better understanding of Specific Plans in the State of California. Our goal is to create a publicly accessible geodatabase of all the boundaries of specific plans in the State. In order to do so, we are asking all jurisdictions outside of the of the SCAG and SANDAG MPOs to fill out a short, 10 minute, survey on specific plans for us, and if available, provide us with the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) shapefile containing the boundaries of specific plans for their jurisdiction. Please send the completed survey and any questions to helen.campbell@opr.ca.gov.
Climate Action Capacity SurveyCurrently, the Local Government Commission is distributing a survey that focuses on local agencies’ climate action capacity. The survey is geared toward local governments that are planning to work on a specific climate action project (e.g. a research project, plan development, pilot project etc.) in the next 12 months.
The Local Government Commission is conducting this survey because they understand that local agencies face significant capacity limits with respect to responding to climate change (as highlighted in last year’s Annual Planning Survey), and want to better understand what capacity limits pubic agencies currently have, how implementation of climate programs and projects might build capacity, and the factors that influence progress. The best way to learn about these issues is from public agency staff like you.
This survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Please click on the link below to go to the survey website (or copy and paste the link into your Internet browser). Note: if you are planning on having a CivicSpark Fellow support your climate change work this Fall, please don’t complete this survey as it is somewhat repetitive of what you will complete for CivicSpark.
Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LocalAgencyClimateSurvey
Participation in this survey is voluntary. All individual responses will be kept strictly confidential, and survey results will be reported in aggregate such that no individual answers can be identified. If you have any questions or would like more information about this survey, please contact Kif Scheuer at kscheuer@lgc.org.

Contact UsP.O. Box 3044Sacramento, CA 95812-3044(916) 322-2318info@opr.ca.gov