NSDI Assessment Survey closes 8/14/23

The Coalition of Geospatial Organizations (COGO) produces an assessment of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) every few years. For the first time, COGO is reaching out to geospatial professionals and practitioners, people who use, develop, or manage geospatial data, to get a better understanding of the NSDI’s current status.

Please review and complete the NSDI Assessment Survey at https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/86097e43b1984161ada6eabf1750d2af  You will see questions about each of the 8 NSDI Framework data sets and some Universal questions about the NSDI. At a minimum, please answer the Universal questions. If you have knowledge about any of the Framework data sets, please answer those questions, as well.

CGIA is a member of the National States Geographic Information Association, which is a member of COGO. The survey will be open until August 14, 2023. Thank you!