Election for Vice Chair

We have three candidates for the position of Vice Chair of this Council! The Vice Chair will serve from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, and will serve as Chair from July 1, 2021 through June 20, 2022.

Everyone who is registered on this website is eligible to vote. Voting will close at midnight on Saturday, June 6. In the event that no candidate receives a majority of votes, we will conduct a runoff. The winner will be announced at the June 11 Council meeting.

Link to the ballot is here.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact current Vice Chair Jane.Schafer-Kramer@water.ca.gov .


California GIS Council Vice-Chair for 2020-2021 Candidate Statements

Deena Bowman, Information Systems Analyst at City of San Diego

As a GIS professional with over 24 years of experience, I am still excited about the technology.  I have worked both at the operational and enterprise level, ranging from user support and map production, to optimizing trash and meter reading routes, as well as configuring web apps to enhance MS4 monitoring and Small Cell 5G permit issuance.  I have also served as Chair and Vice-Chair for the SanGIS Technical Advisory Board (STAB), as well as collaborate on a regional basemap hosted by SanGIS and SANDAG.  I am particularly interested in evangelism and am actively working to advocate greater adoption of geospatial technologies within the City of San Diego.  I am also interested in how local, state and federal agencies along with the tribes can become better partners.

LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deena-bowman-51448762/


Ashlee Llewellyn, Senior Program Coordinator at County of Marin

My diverse professional background, regional approach, support to emergencies, continued education, and regular participation in the GIS community all make me well qualified for the Vice-Chair position with the California GIS Council. Additionally, my personal and professional efforts align with the Council’s mission to “promote a greater understanding and use of the benefits of GIS and facilitate cooperation throughout the State of CA by supporting the collection, acquisition, sharing, and dissemination of GIS data, standards, and policies”.  My interest in Vice-Chair is that I want to continue to participate in a regional and statewide approach for GIS in a leadership role. If the emergencies we have experienced across this state have taught us anything it is that data and the professionals who work with it are key, as is strengthening the communication and sharing of content and knowledge between the professionals. GIS technology is ever evolving; I have a desire to not only stay relevant with the evolution, but to also have a hand in formulating the associated standards and policies. My intention is to continue the great governance work this Council has been providing as described by the mission, to provide innovation on the offerings of the Council, and figure out how the Council will function in relation to the newly created State GIO position.

I am recently employed as a Senior Program Coordinator with Marin County Public Works where I will soon become an expert storyteller with spatial intelligence through technology! Prior to Marin, I was part of Napa County IT’s GIS team and the EOC’s GIS Unit lead supporting fires, floods, power shut offs, and a pandemic while assisting other agencies during and after incidents; and I also have worked in environmental consulting as a GIS manager and environmental scientist. I have a degree in Geography and have continued my education over the years in courses such Python, SQL, Cartography, Tableau, and Field Data Collection just to name a few. I received my GISP in 2015 which was just recently renewed; I am also Incident Command System (ICS) Management Level certified and plan to obtain a PMP certification soon. My GIS community involvement this past year has included being a Story Map judge for a CA-wide public grade-school competition, being a guest panelist for the City of LA’s GIS hiring, and spoke to graduating college seniors about careers in GIS. For more information, visit my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleellewellyn/.

I am humbled by the nomination and have full support from my current supervisor to take on this role.  


Ross Martin, GIS Manager of the County of San Diego

I have worked with GIS technologies since the days of PC ArcInfo and steadfastly pursued geospatial data sciences as a career for more than 25 years. As GIO, I have been responsible for administering GIS in the County of San Diego for 13 years. My educational background is in biology and geography, but I have an additional background in remote sensing, geospatial statistics, IOT sensors, and law enforcement. My greatest satisfaction comes from helping a customer implement a technology that saves them money or time or improves the quality/precision of their data. I have been actively engaged in the local GIS Community and just finished as the Chair of the San Diego Regional GIS Council last year.

LinkedIn profile:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ross-paul-martin-4b825118/


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