National Geodetic Survey: Updates for State Plane Coordinate Systems

A note from Scott Martin, California Geodetic Coordinator, Geodetic  Controls & GPS Surveys, Office of Land Survey, California Department of Transportation.

Because the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) will be rolling out a new geometric reference frame to replace NAD83 in 2022, it will require a new version of the State Plan Coordinate System in the 48 states that use a codified version thereof. NGS published a Federal Register Notice in April and solicited comments through August on their draft policy and procedure documents for the SPC2022 project. The FRN and draft documents can be accessed here:
As you will see on page 3 of 15 of the Procedures document, State GIS or other professional geospatial organizations will be one of the NGS recognized stakeholder categories which will be allowed to voice preferences for what a state will adopt for their SPC2022 system. I presume that would be the Council, at least, in California.
Although the Council may not have a strong position or preference for the “survey grade” zones we adopt, similar to the six we have in the California Coordinate System of 1983, I suspect that they might be quite interested in the concept of having a statewide SPC zone under the “layered zone” option being offered by the NGS. My discussions with NGS have indicated that an oblique Mercator projection would be best suited for a statewide zone.