Please join our GIS Council Meeting on Thursday September 13th, 10am-12noon

UPDATE: Note the change in web connection information. We’re switching to using Zoom for Thursday’s meeting. Details are in the updated agenda attached below.

Thank you,



I’m excited to share the final version of the agenda for next week’s GIS Council meeting. we’ve got some really interesting speakers, and a lot going on to discuss. Melodi McAdams of the United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria will be joining us to talk about tribal GIS and cultural resources data. Then Dan Henderson of ESRI will be sharing a bit on how to document your return on investment in GIS. We’ll also be discussing the elections for a vice-chair which will follow shortly, and some other goings on around the state in GIS.

For those able to join us in person in Sacramento, we’ll be meeting in the Walnut Conference room on the 14th floor of the Department of Conservation’s Headquarters at 801 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

If you’ll be joining remotely, the connection information is on the second page of the agenda. Note that it is important that you dial in with a phone for the audio connection. Mixed computer and phone audio hasn’t been working smoothly.

Agenda: CA_GIS_Council_Meeting_Agenda_20180913_v2

Thank you and I hope to see you (in person or virtually) on the 13th.

Nathaniel Roth

Chair, CA GIS Council