Very short COGO survey regarding elevation–closes today!

My apologies for letting this one slip by: this was provided by our CA Geodetic Coordinator, Scott Martin. Survey closes today.

Hello folks,

I’ve been asked by the Coalition of Geospatial Organizations (COGO), of which NSPS and ASPRS are members, to help author the elevation component of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). This will be part of a report that is the second edition of a COGO report card last published in 2014. The target audience of this report card is the FGDC and Congress, and it directly impacts future Federal funding for programs like 3DEP, NGS, USGS, and FEMA.

In an effort to best represent the mood of the geospatial community in general, we prepared a short survey here:

We’d really appreciate it if you took 10-15 minutes from your busy Spring schedule to fill out the survey, or forward to any interested parties. We will be accepting responses until May 15th.

Sorry if you received this invitation through multiple channels in our efforts to maximize participation.

Thank you.