Earthquake Zone App: Released 3/21/2018

The California Geological Survey(CGS), released their new Earthquake Hazard Zone App to the media on Wednesday, and it’s taking off.

CGS develops three types of seismic hazard zones for the State of California. Alquist-Priolo (fault rupture) zones, landslide zones, and liquefaction zones. Each of these has specific requirements for additional investigations, disclosures, and mitigation to be administered by local lead agencies. Getting this data into the public’s hands in an appropriate context and with supporting information about what it means has been a challenge in the past. To address this, we’ve released a web mapping application as a major step in the right direction.

Our goals for the app are:

  1. Make it easy for the public to access our regulatory zone data
  2. To place the data into an appropriate context
  3. Educate the public about the zones and what they mean
  4. Enable easy, early discovery of hazard zone information when someone is considering the purchase of a property.

The Application Landing Page

Press Release