Sign up for the Sacramento Underground Tour on April 21st

CGIA has booked a private group tour with the Sacramento History Museum to see how Sacramento lifted itself up out of the flood waters during the 1860s and 1870s. This Sacramento Underground tour will be on Saturday, April 21, 2018, at 12:30PM and lasts approximately one hour. Bring your comfy shoes for this half-mile walking tour. The maximum number of attendees for this tour is 20.

Full info of the tour:

This tour is free to CGIA & URISA members and is open to non-CGIA/URISA members for $10. Non-members can pay by check or cash at the event.

Family members are welcome to attend. If you are a CGIA/URISA member, your family can attend for free. If you are a non-CGIA/URISA member, each additional member regardless of age is $10.

Please sign up on this form by April 13, 2018. ** Filling this form out does not guarantee a spot. You will receive an email confirmation.

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