Membership Benefits

Your membership of CGIA helps support regular events and advocacy to support the geospatial profession in California. If you want to learn more about our events, initiatives, or other activities, further information can be found across this website. We also hold members-only events, including professional development webinars and tours of key locations across the state.

Please consider joining CGIA today! Membership starts at just $50 (even less for student members) and helps support your profession.

Regular Membership

For just $50 per year, you can enjoy:

  • Regular updates on the CGIA website & social media
  • Social events & networking opportunities at geospatial conferences
  • Education and information sharing and learning through webinars and workshops
  • Annual awards
  • Statewide events calendar
  • Advocacy for California's geospatial community
  • Participation in the shaping of industry standards, best practices and legislation affecting California and the nation

Student Membership

Student members save 50% on the regular membership fee. For just $25 per year, you receive all regular membership benefits. Proof of enrolment at an academic institution is required.

Sustaining Membership - Private

Sustaining membership for private organizations costs just $500 annually. This enables a private organization to join CGIA, with the following additional benefits:

  • Up to 10 individuals in your organization may become regular members
  • Up to 1 webinar per year - opportunity to present on your organization’s products/services
  • Logo on website and at all CGIA virtual events
  • Recognition of sustaining membership at all events where CGIA has a booth

Sustaining Membership - Education, Government, Non-Profit, or Tribal

Sustaining membership for educational, governmental, non-profit, or Tribal entities costs just $250 annually.

  • Up to 10 designated individuals in your organizations that receive the regular membership benefits
  • 50% discount on the organizational membership fee
  • All other sustaining membership benefits

Summary of Member Benefits

BenefitRegular MemberStudent MemberSustaining Member - PrivateSustaining Member - Education, Government, Non-Profit, or Tribal
Regular UpdatesYesYesYesYes
Networking EventsYesYesYesYes
Webinars & WorkshopsYesYesYesYes
Annual AwardsYesYesYesYes
Number of Members Included111010
Logo on CGIA Website and EventsYesYes
Sustaining Member WebinarYesYes
Membership Fee$50/year$25/year$500/year$250/year


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If you have questions about joining CGIA, please reach out to us:

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