Standing Committees

The CGIA Board has several standing committees. Reach out to us at if you would like to be involved with any of these groups.

Engagement & Communications

The Engagement & Communications committee, launched in 2022, is the driving force behind many of CGIA's offerings to its members and the community at large, including the CGIA Event Request fund and the annual Speaker Series.

Chair: Dan Scollon

Meetings: Monthly on the 3rd Tuesday from 3-4PM (Zoom link)



The Advocacy committee tackles projects that are aligned with CGIA's mission to "promote the effective use of GIS in California." This includes actions to support the state's adoption of sound geospatial governance practices.

Chair: Jane Schafer-Kramer

Meetings: Monthly on the 4th Monday from 2-3PM (Zoom link)



The Membership committee spearheads efforts to expand CGIA's membership. They also manage the payment, renewal, and cancellation process for current members.

Chair: Denise Tober

Meetings: Quarterly basis



The Awards committee is charged with facilitating CGIA's long-standing annual awards program.

Chair: Roland Martin

Meetings: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday from 3-4pm. (Zoom link)



The Elections committee facilitates the annual election process for the CGIA Board of Directors.

Chair: Steven Kincaid

Meetings: Quarterly; Monthly from March to June



The Website committee handles all of the work necessary to maintain and update the CGIA and Community Council websites. This group is also leading our website modernization efforts.

Chair: Norman Wong

Meetings: Quarterly basis


Page last updated: 08/23/2023

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