Geospatial Model Courses & Badges Project Final Report

Some of you may have heard of this project, and some of you may have participated, as did some of the CGIA board members. Geospatial Education Specialists Ann Johnson and Chris Lewis have produced the final report: A Model Certificate for Geospatial Technology Program Development Aligned to Industry Needs.

“This project, the California Community College Geospatial Project: A Model Certificate for Geospatial Technology Programs, was tasked by the California Community Colleges LA/Orange County Environmental Training Center and funded by the California Community College CCC Chancellor’s Office to research ways that California Community Colleges can help prepare students entering or updating their skills to meet the needs of the geospatial industry. It was also tasked to investigate whether awarding badges based on industry validated skills and competencies would be of benefit to students, colleges and industry.” - Geospatial Education Specialists, Ann Johnson and Chris Lewis

CGIA is pleased to post the Final Report (PDF) on this very important project. Please take some time to read the document.

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